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About KEN


The Korea-EU CSO Network (KEN) is a network funded by the European Union and established for civil society organizations from both regions to communicate and interact on the comprehensive theme of human rights.

Civil society organizations in both regions with different political, economic, social, and histories can share their experiences and successes through this network and seek a better solution to their social and civic agenda.

The network will offer various workshops and national and international conferences for civic groups from both regions to participate in,

over the 2020-2021 period, and diverse information about civil societies in each region will to be available on this site and on social media.

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Steering Coalition

In order to foster a participatory civil society network a Steering Coalition with around 10 activists representing various areas of Korean CSOs will be established to provide insights and advice on the direction of the overall network and on how to make it sustainable. The Coalition will also participate in planning events including workshops and international conference. We welcome activists who are interested in becoming a member of the Coalition!

This website was created and maintained with financial support from the European Union. The content posted on the website is the sole responsibility of Stantek and does not reflect the views of the European Union.

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