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The Future of Care: Addressing the Situation of Young Carers

Time / Date
February 28, 2023 / 5pm - 6:30pm KST / 9am - 10:30am CET


Online through Zoom 

Join here:

Korea-European Union Civil Society Network (KEN)

Young Carers Community N-inbun
Korean Family Studies Association


Sung Jung-hyeon

President of the Korean Family Studies Association, Professor at the Department of Social Welfare, Hyupsung University



Svetlana Atanasova

A lawyer by training, specialized in EU Law, with a keen interest in human rights and social rights topics. She is working with Eurocarers since July 2022, where she is responsible for managing the Young Carers subgroup in Europe. Before joining Eurocarers, she has worked for five years in two EU public policy consultancies and for five years as a policy and legal officer at the European Commission, contributing to EU policy development.

Jo Gihyun

The author of “The Narrative of a Young Carer: Becoming the Father of My Father”, which is about what he experienced as he became a carer at 20 when his father collapsed.  He also wrote “Young Wave of Care” that contains voices of 7 young carers and suggest alternatives to the dire reality. He documentedlabor and life of his father, whose cognitive decline began, in the film “1 Bag, 10kg and 100 Bricks.” Now he is running the Young Carers Community N-inbun exploring the conditions for everyone to become citizens who care well and are cared well regardless of their generation and gender.

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